ROSL Services
Ranfurly Orchard Services provides a number of contract services to orchards in the Western Bay of Plenty.
Canopy Spraying – Our core business
We provide the full range of services including accurate application of
- bud break enhancers
- insecticides and fungicides
- foliar fertilizers and growth promotants
- fruit wash to remove water stain
- post harvest leaf dessicant to aid leaf fall in winter
- bird reppellant to reduce bird damage to young growth in Spring
A key to the success of this service is our attention to detail and our recognition of our responsibilities to our clients, our community and our environment.
We continue to invest in leading edge spray technology that maximizes the performance of the products being applied while minimizing the effects on everything else other than the target plant.
In recognizing the risks associated with chemical spraying, we ensure our staff is properly trained in chemical handling and we require that, at all times, they are adequately protected from the dangers of contamination. Refer to our Health and Safety Policy.
For the 2010/2011 season we will have 8 spray units servicing the district, each with an identical set up so that we are able to back up at short notice in the event of a breakdown.
Orchard Mowing and Mulching
We have a range of tractor powered mowers that provide all the needs of keeping an orchard tidy. We have machines capable of handling the heavy prunings, and machines capable of producing a park-like appearance.
Weed Spraying
As part of the comprehensive service, we can offer the spraying of herbicides for weed and grass control under the leader, as well as hand gunning of waste area where weeds, noxious plants and other host plants exist.
Machinery Cartage
We currently have 5 transporters for moving our sprayers and tractors around the district. These units are also available to transport orchard and farm machinery for orchard owners and contractors, particularly during the harvest season in April, May and June.
Fruit Cartage
Our trucks are busy during the harvest period transporting fruit from orchard to the post-harvest facility.